
For the past several months, I have been spending time in the community listening to what they expect from their Council when it comes to their respective areas within Noosa Shire. The community has expectations around how their elected representatives should interact with them and how they should go about representing their needs.

Therefore, when elected I will…

Waste Management

I will advocate to re-start kerbside hard rubbish collection or tip vouchers for residents and offer community not-for-profits four free tip vouchers per year.

Protecting National Parks

I will not support the commercialisation of our National Parks.

Prioritising the right services

Council has lost its way and is not focused enough on projects that improve residents’ quality-of-life. I will fight for better roads, cycle and pathways, bus shelters, playgrounds and parks, public toilets and boat ramps.

Around the Shire, residents have expressed different priorities which I have included in flyers for each separate area, which will be delivered by volunteers to each household in February. 

Please select the flyer below to see the relevant policies.

Please select the flyer below to see the relevant policies.

Policies for a Better Noosa

Throughout the campaign I will be asking residents what is important to them, what their vision is for Noosa Shire and what problems they want solved. As a long-term community member, I know there are areas which residents would like improved. There are many issues that affect people differently – so please contact me so we can discuss your concerns and ideas. I commit to responding to you, listening to you, turning up when I say I will and working hard to solve problems and deliver results which make living in Noosa better. 

My first three policies are here:

Bushfire preparedness and management

Residents tell me they are concerned that the Shire is not prepared for the upcoming fire season and that there could be improvements in relationships between key stakeholders. Improving our disaster management system must be a priority as dry conditions are forecast to continue throughout this summer. I will build better relationships with key bushfire management stakeholders so that every year, we are prepared for the fire season ahead.

Noosa River

As your Councillor, I will consult with all river users and ensure that their rights are considered when planning the next steps for the Noosa River. We will work together to manage the recreational use of the lower reaches of the river (Tewantin to the river mouth). We all want our river to be in the best possible condition, with environmental concerns such as illegal dumping of waste from moored vessels addressed appropriately.

Kerbside rubbish collection

As a Council committed to waste management, it is unfortunate that our hard rubbish collection service was discontinued. As your Councillor, I will fight to reinstate free access to the tip by issuing a tip voucher with rates notices which will reduce landfill, save money and time for residents and contribute to Noosa’s circular economy.